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博客來-Mike Portnoy - Anthology博客來訂書網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/products/F010228345
A must for every Portnoy fan, this deluxe songbook features note-for-note transcriptions of nine drum performances hand-picked by Mike, including classic music by Dream Theater, spanning from their 1992 release Images and Words through their 1999 masterpiece, Scenes from a Memory. Some of Mike's most memorable drum performances from songs such as "Metropolis Part 1," "6:00," and "Hell's Kitchen" are featured. Also included in its entirety is the legendary 17-minute "When the Water Breaks" from Liquid Tension Experiment 2, and finally, every note from the 31-minute epic "All of the Above" from Transatlantic's amazing SMPTe album. Features include: over 90 minutes of music transcribed note-for-note * performance notes by Mike * detailed transcription notes for each song * handwritten charts used by Mike in the studio * and diagrams of the drum kits that Mike used on each recording. Includes fantastic photos throughout.
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