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Alpha Project Managers: (What the Top 2% Know That Everyone Else Does Not)
Alpha Project Managers: (What the Top 2% Know That Everyone Else Does Not)
  • 作者:Crowe, Andy
  • 出版社:Independent Pub Group
  • 出版日期:2007/01/30
  • 語言:英文
  • 定價:1048


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      The top 2% of the world? project managers outrank their peers in almost every measure. This book focuses on what they know that the other 98% do not.

      The majority of professional project managers generally share a common set of misconceptions about the knowledge and tactics that make the Alpha project managers highly successful. The Alphas work approximately the same number of hours as everyone else, face the same challenges, and deal with the same difficulties; yet they manage their projects, teams, and stakeholders in a way that takes them far ahead of the pack.

      Building on a landmark survey of over 800 project managers from around the world, author Andy Crowe identifies the traits that make the Alphas stand out in the minds of the teams, senior managers, customers, and stakeholders who ranked them at the top. Through in-depth interviews, Crowe draws out common knowledge, attitudes, and practices of the Alpha project managers that contribute to their success. By interviewing not only the Alpha group, but also other sub-groups of project managers, Crowe uncovers and explains the underlying factors related to attitudes and beliefs, communication, project alignment, approach and organization, management of priorities, issue management, relationships and conflict, and leadership.

      Crowe also delves into the myths and realities surrounding the world? top project managers, as well as the underlying traits that make the Alphas stand out among their peers. The book is filled with knowledge, skills, and techniques that all project managers can incorporate into their management style


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