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博客來-Diablo III: Inferno Edition博客來訂書網址:http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/87926/products/F012698062
BradyGames』 Diablo III Limited Edition Strategy Guide includes the following:
1.One-of-a-kind sculptured metal bookmark featuring Diablo's head.
2.Amazing hardcover featuring holographic foil, matte film lamination, spot gloss, and a multi-level emboss.
3.48 pages of Armor Set art unique to the Limited Edition.
4.Expert tips for dominating Multiplayer action over Battle.net in both cooperative and competitive play.
5.Complete Quest Guide, covering all four Acts in the adventure.
6.Exhaustive Bestiary, detailing every monster in the game.
7.In-depth coverage of Heroes to maximize player effectiveness in all five Character Classes.
8.Guide to meeting and leveling up the Blacksmith, Jeweler, and Mystic professions, and how to maximize the relationships and crafting from each Artisan.
9.Presentation of item types, weapons, collectibles, and other loot. Plus: discussion of sets of items, how to get better loot, and manage raw materials.
10.The only official resource to Blizzard's Online Auction House. Bid on and win rare items safely and effectively.
11.Screen shots capture numerous indoor and outdoor areas in new regions of Sanctuary.
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